Rugged and reliable performance
Designed by press engineers for the press industry. Available in 1 through 200 HP, the Dynamatic AT adjustable speed drives with tachometer feedback let you control speed within 1/2 percent from no load to full load. You’ll also get 250% of rated motor torque – great for starting and momentary overload conditions. Comparatively, other drives offer only 110 percent to 150 percent torque.
Dynamatic has over 90 years of application experience designing and servicing drives for variable speed stamping presses.
We load test every controller and drive 100% before it leaves the factory, so you can count on reliable startup and consistent performance.

Dynamatic® AT Drives

Cutaway illustration reveals the durable simplicity of our Eddy Current design.
- Easy Installation
- No Power Line Pollution (Harmonics)
- Low Maintenance
- Ideal For Harsh Conditions
- 250% Motor Torque at Startup
- Drop-In Replacements Available
Small, simple controller and PLC compatibility
The entire SCR controller consists of one printed circuit board and is interchangeable among wide ranges of drive horsepower to reduce your inventory and save money. Dynamatic offers a full range of digital controls with many standard features for optimal performance.
Interfacing the Dynamatic AT drive to computer control systems is a snap and the controller interfaces easily with PLC systems.
- Stamping presses
- Cold feed bins
- Kilns
- Bitumen pumps