Dynamatic adjustable speed drives deliver high torque over a wide speed range
Torque vs Speed
The range of torque needed to start and operate specific conveyors, presses, and other industrial machines presents a distinct torque-versus-speed profile.
Example: A typical torque-speed requirement for a metal-stamping press might be 200% of full motor load for starting, 75% for accelerating, 100% for peak running.
Overloads & Dynamatic Drives
Frequently in high-torque applications, there is a significant difference between the drive’s normal operating torque and occasional torque demands experienced at start-up or when loading changes. These overloads create conditions that favor the use of Eddy Current adjustable speed drives, because these drives have an inherent capability of generating momentary high torque. Engineers should consider Dynamatic when torque requirements exceed 200% of rated torque. For cooling, these drives have built-in fans that operate at motor speed rather than output-shaft speed. This feature allows the fan to run much faster than rated output speed.
Industrial drives routinely must handle overloads as great as 150-250% of normal running torque. These high-torque conditions present problems to engineers who specify components for manufacturing and process equipment, and it is here where Dynamatic drives excel.
For further information or details on these and other high-torque adjustable speed applications, please download our applications guide or contact one of our application specialists.

High-torque applications create conditions ideally managed by Dynamatic Eddy Current variable speed drives, because they have an inherent capability of generating momentary high torque.